Thursday, February 2, 2012

ART 450 / ART 496 blog

450 & 496 Project Proposal

1.         The design and process of a summarized magazine.

2.         Brief demonstration of a fully designed fashion/woman targeted magazine.

3.         Using different design methods, I will create a women targeted magazine. Type, layout, color scheme, theme and images will be carefully thought out. Edgy yet classy layout themes will be the focus as well as useful information incorporated into the magazine. I want this magazine demonstration to be something I can present in a portfolio as a great reference in the future.

4.         I am very interested in design and the way layouts are presented and thought out on paper, screen, clothing etc.. Ideally I would like to be a part of designing magazines and/or graphics on clothing. I decided to dedicate this project to my goals and complete a great portfolio for my future by trying to create an example of both ideas.
My plan is to Design a magazine targeting younger women and creating t-shirt designs to incorporate into the magazine. The length goal will be anywhere from 4-6 pages fully designed, including the cover page. I will mainly be focusing on the color and layout vs. information provided. Type will obviously be incorporated into the design but in a minimal presentation.
 I want the design to be simple yet full of character and edge. Color, style and consistency are very important. The design must flow from page to page yet still be slightly different and able to hold the reader’s attention. My interest in graphic design is mainly type and layout of type. I enjoy creating different designs using type and basing my designs around a type related theme. There is a lot of competition out there with magazines and I know it will be tough to create a theme that will stand out.

I will incorporate photos that I take myself, along with t-shirts that I design and print on t-shits. I will use live models in my magazine as well. I will need to research good subjects to include in my magazine as well as up to date information the subjects that I choose. I will have to base my color palate on whatever photograph I choose to go with on the cover and keep it with in the same on every page. Every page will be a different color pallet but similar so at the magazine will not look choppy and messy.

5.          I see the magazine being anywhere from 6-10 pages with a full cover and index. There will be black, grey and white shades along with color in an appropriate amount. Font will be different throughout the magazine with of course one steady font for the main page and name of the magazine. Photos using my models and designs will be featured on every page and subjects will vary from fashion to make up tips, etc. The magazine is not going to be about the information that I arrange in it, but I am going to focus most of all my attention on the layouts and design. I plan on designing at least two t shirts to be featured in the magazine as well as take my own photos of models to place as extra images. That is the plan, more than likely it will change and be tweaked along the way, but it is the goal as of now.

6.         I have looked at examples of other popular magazines such as Cosmopolitan, Seventeen and Vogue in search of ideas to base my magazine off of. I want a magazine inspired by other successful magazines but of course my own ideas and views. Each features a beautiful woman at the cover of every issue with some catchy phrase to draw the viewer in.                                                 Visual Examples:

Color pallets are appropriate as well as type and the photos featured. These are similar to the goal I have in mind, I just have to make it my own.
7.         WIP Photographs will be taken and placed as soon as I have visuals to present.


8.         Using Adobe Illusrator, Indesign and Photoshop I will create this magazine and design images for my t-shirt. I will use to help find an inspiration for a color pallet. As far as research goes, I will have to study the “competition” such as Cosmo, Seventeen, Lucky and Vogue to see how their layouts are and how I can make mine better or make mine different. I will also have to research topics with up to date information to add that would be of interest and will be appropriate for my magazine. On top of designing T-shirts, I will have to have them screened on to a shirt in order to have them featured in the photographs and will have to locate a good place to accomplish that part of my project.

9.         Thursday Feb. 9th have design outline on pages complete
            Thursday Feb. 16th have t-shirt designs finished and ready to be printed
            Thursday Feb. 23rd have t-shirts printed and magazine design completed
Thursday March 1st have photographs of models finished and placed
Thursday March 8th have magazine put together and ready for editing
Thursday March 15th have magazine completed
Tuesday March 20th be ready to present and turn in with capstone paper(5-10 pages)

10. BLOG